Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Looking for music that keeps my interest.

Two primary discoveries, or re-discoveries last night.

First, Orthrelm. Mick Barr's more consistent and more current effort after the legendary "Cromtech" recordings. At this point he is teamed with Hella's Zach Hill and to great ends I might add. There are a couple of great vids on YouTube, though you should really just pick up one of the albums so the man can get paid. But for me seeing is believing; yes there are are cues (miscues) but this is modern virtuosity at it's best. Dare I say post-modern brilliance in a sea of neo-pop schlock. Don't get caught up in what you might think is the underlying style employed, simply let the patterns and large structures wash over you.

Next, Merzbow. While I cannot expound upon this man's great achievements without more googling, I can say that this is an example of phenominal sound exploration that will have to be studied and restudied again.